Gallery Exhibits

The Cultural Connections Resource Center
A collection of over 1000 books of International Folk Art
Children’s Book Authors and Illustrators
Showcasing picture books from many authors and illustrators
of children's books
past and present.
Including works by:
Arnold Adoff, George Ancona, Mitsumasa Anno, Byrd Baylor, Ashley Bryan,
Eric Carle, Floyd Cooper, Tomie dePaola, Lois Ehlert, Eloise Greenfield,
Kathleen Krull, Betsy and Ted Lewin, Jerry Pinkney
Other authors and illustrators featured in the exhibit are:
Verna Aardema, Jose Aruego, Carole Byard, Diane and Leo Dillon,
Gladys Conklin, Leo Lionni
Muriel and Tom Feelings. Virginia Hamilton, John Steptoe
Also featured is a collection
of hard shell gourds handcrafted by
Africa and the Americas.
Cultural Connections Resource Center
Upper Shake Ridge Rd. Volcano,
Amador County, Ca.
Please call 209-296-3565
or email: [email protected] to arrange a visit.